Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Here is a work in progress, the weather has been so nice that I have been working with land art. It is to be seen in the Garden in front of the Roal Castle.
It is very nice to do something not commercial.
I am very satisfied by the way, the branches are pushed to their limit without breaking. The forces of nature are incredible, the work is closely related to the themes of political influence on nature and the global climate situation. The power play of the monarchy and our relation to public sculpture is also an inbuilt factor.
I will work further on with researching on this material. The problem is that I need money to live. It is impossible to really dig into the materia of the matter without the freedom of a steady income. But I will continue anyway, because it is very important for me as a person, to do this, and in some years I think people will see the importance of this work/research.
I will try to write some applications to see if somebody will support this project

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