Sunday, March 2, 2008

Astrup Fernley museum

"Mystikk og romantikk i norsk samtidskunst"
"the mystic and the romantic in Norwegian contemporary art"

The talk contained some performative elements, one curator is now involved and active in the field of performance, by the use of a child.We were listening to a piece of sound art: A woman crying for tree minutes. During the replay a curator sitting on first row in the audience, got her child to double the crying live in the space. She went from her chair, in to the hallway to the right from the speaker. She sat down with the front to the audience and began to breastfeed. Only half of the audience had direct sight to the event.

My questions are: Was it a spontaneous performance? Was it a part of the program? And who got the idea?
I have nothing against curators exploring new fields, and it is interesting that the choice fell on performance.

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